At TypeTopia, we have been working with quite a few schools for years, offering the TypeTopia typing course school-wide to pupils. One of those schools is ZAVO, a secondary school in Zaventem, Belgium.

“GIVE WINGS TO YOUR TALENT” is what they believe at ZAVO and for 8 years now, TypeTopia has been doing its bit by jointly offering the TypeTopia typing course. You could say it has been a successful school campaign. High time to interview the management and ICT coordinator about how they go about it.

Interview met ZAVO

Campus director

Secretarial staff member

ICT Coordinator
We are a school that is all too aware that we are educating the generation of tomorrow. We are always looking ahead so that we can offer you progressive education that will help you shape your future.
ZAVO is a progressive secondary school, in which technological developments have their place and sustainability is central. In a rapidly changing world, we invest in innovative education that responds to the specific needs of students and society.
We teach young people to take care of themselves, to freely express their needs and to take responsibility for their actions. We make them self-reliant by guiding them to make thoughtful, responsible choices.
We also think it is important that children learn things independently. They can follow and plan the TypeTopia course very independently. If there is time left over at school, they can continue with TypeTopia there too.
Every year, we supply a list of participants and receive a list of licence codes in return. It is actually quite simple.
There is no further burden on our server or school systems as it is all done online.
However, we have set 6 deadlines to check the progress of the students. The teachers also have a login and can access the student monitoring system. We check how far they have got and where necessary we give them extra encouragement.
Our teachers are thus more like a coach than a teacher in the classical sense and that suits us well.

Furthermore, we are a secondary school, the practice texts are a bit childish for some children. When the 13+ version goes live in Flemish, that could be something for us too.
Would you also like to offer a touch typing course from primary or secondary school so that your pupils are well prepared digitally for their future? Then the online touch typing course from TypeTopia is what you are looking for.
More and more attention is being paid to typing at or provided through school. The need is clear, because the computer has become an indespensable part of education. Children who can type well have a head start for the rest of their lives.
- Typing without effort.
- 100% focused on formulating content.
- Enormous time gain, the rest of your life.

It is the task of schools to prepare children well for their (digital) future, so it is a logical choice to pay attention to this important skill.
At TypeTopia, we have developed two options for schools to offer a touch typing course for their school. One option where the school pays for the licenses and the teacher follows the children through the student tracking system. And a second simple option where the school sends an offer on behalf of the school. But the parents themselves decide whether their child joins and orders.
For both options we temporarily have a great discount of up to 60 EUR per student. From 159 EUR now temporarily for 99 EUR.