Give pupils this digital advantage

Touch typing in primary school

Do you want to offer a touch typing course from a primary school so that your pupils are well prepared digitally for their future? Then the online touch typing course from TypeTopia is what you are looking for.

More and more attention is being paid to typing at or provided through school. The need is clear, because the computer has become an indispensable part of education. Children who can type well have a head start for the rest of their lives.

  • Typing without effort.
  • 100% focused on formulating content.
  • Enormous time gain, the rest of your life.
Kinderen die typecursus doen op de basisschool

It is the task of primary schools to prepare children well for their (digital) future, so it is a logical choice to pay attention to this important skill.

At Typetopia, we have developed two options for schools to offer a typing course for their primary school. One option in which the school pays for the licenses and the teacher follows the children via a pupil tracking system. And a second simple option where the school sends out an offer on behalf of the school. But the parents themselves decide whether their child participates and order themselves.

For both options we temporarily have a great discount of up to 60 EUR per student. From 159 GBP temporarily for 89 GBP right now.

Option 1: TypeTopia through school (school-wide)

If you want to offer the TypeTopia touch typing course from the primary school itself so that all your pupils are digitally prepared for their future, then this option is for you.

  • The school organizes and pays for the licenses (possibly supported by parental contribution)
  • Includes pupil monitoring system for one or more teachers
  • Pupils practise at home or possibly at school sometimes
Typecursus doe op de basisschool

From 159 now 99

If your school has more than 50 pupils per schoolyear, then please contact us. For higher quantities, we can offer an even more competitive rate.

Option 2: Promote a school discount to all pupils

Please inform parents of pupils about the discount offer on behalf of your school. Discount is £50 off the standard price.

  • Parents decide themselves whether their child participates.
  • Parents order themselves, so the school does not have to worry about it.
  • Kids practise at home under the guidance of TypeTopia.
  • Option for the teacher to follow pupils’ progress via the pupil monitoring system.

How does it work?

  1. Register your school by starting a group promotion;
  2. You will receive a discount code and a promotion text for your newsletter or website by email;
  3. Publish the code, that’s all you need to do as a school;
  4. Parents register their own children with this discount code;
  5. Children can start using TypeTopia immediately after registration;
  6. Please note: the discount code is valid for only 30 days.


What our participants have to say

Advantages of the TypeTopia touch typing course at primary school:

No classroom contact hours necessary

It is not necessary to spend time plenary in the classroom on the course. The knowledge transfer is arranged individually within the TypeTopia teaching system and can take place at home or at school. 

Insights into results

TypeTopia has a powerful pupil monitoring system. Upon request, pupils can be linked to this system in order to provide you with insight into the progress of each pupil.

The most successful touch typing course for over 30 years.

  • Active support of a Personal Coach
  • Unique Dyslexia-settings
  • Special parent portal
  • 24/7 service desk availability
  • Extensive course with official typing diploma

faster typing


graduates this week


passes the course at first try


graduated participants

The most successful touch typing course for over 30 years. TypeTopia teaches you to touch type incredibly fast during a challenging adventure!

When you choose TypeTopia, you choose touch typing! ! After all, touch typers type much better than 10-finger typers. Touch typers learn to type in such a way that they never forget. That is because you learn to find every key blindly from the start. Because of gamification and the adaptivity children stay motivated to finish the touch typing course.

TypeTopia is also highly suitable for children with dyslexia

Besides dyslexia specialists, remedial teachers and speech therapists are also enthusiastic about the dyslexia version. Children with motor limitations, concentration problems, adhd, and/or autism also benefit from this adapted version.

Give your pupils a head start for the rest of their digital lives.

Request a school code
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